Jackie Phillip & Co. Advokatfirmas udtalelse til verdenspressen i OW Bunker sagen, rapporteret til Bunkerworld i dag, Press:
Winding up OW Bunker, the defunct marine fuels trader, will take at least a year, a Danish lawyer has said.
Martin Lynge Vesth, of the Copenhagen-based law firm Jackie Phillip & Co. law firm, said that even for a smaller company (than OW Bunker), the process would take, at least, a year.
Vesth said that OW Bunker staff will have been asked to come into work today.
The court-appointed administrator would then decide which staff should remain in post to work out the winding-up process.
Vesth said that under Danish law, staff at the company can expect to have a percentage/partly coverage of their salaries covered by the Danish “Lønmodtagernes Garantifond”. (not the state but a fund where we all, Danes, pay into)
The lawyer added that any lawsuits filed against senior figures in OW Bunker would only come after the company had been wound up, if at all.
But Vesth acknowledged that given OW Bunker’s position as one of Denmark’s biggest companies, the fallout from its collapse could include a review of laws on corporate governance